Point Pelee National Park in canada
Just listen, Point Peeli National Park is a very beautiful and peaceful place. There you will enjoy open air camping.

Point Peeli Adventure: Nature Camping Adventure
Point Peeli National Park:
* Once you reach here you are welcomed with a unique experience. It is a park full of natural beauty which makes you feel peace and tranquility.
Camping and overnight accommoda
* You will get a chance to visit the lakes in the park, where you will feel the freshness and get lost in the beauty of the blue color of the sky.
* The view of sunset here at night is very attractive. You can see this scene along the beach in a balanced environment.

Camp Henry, a home away from home
Point Peeli:
* Here you will get another unique experience. You will get the opportunity of an exciting trekking, in which you will travel up to three kilometers.
* During trekking, you can climb higher and see the view above the sky, which will be a pleasurable experience in itself.
* From here you can see the amazing beauty of the beach, which is truly captivating. Camping and overnight accommoda

Point Peeli Adventure: Nature Camping Adventure
Marsh Boardwalk:
* Here you will find a peaceful and serene environment. You can enjoy the natural beauty around you while walking on the long boardwalk.
* During this walk, you will be introduced to a variety of plants, birds, and creatures, making your experience even more exciting.
Camping and overnight accommoda
Point Peeli National Park food:
In the park you will get comfort from a small heater and air conditioning fan. You’ll also find nice beds to sleep on,

Point Peeli Adventure: Nature Camping Adventure
and if you want to play games, there are tables there too. For dinner you will enjoy chicken souvlaki and pasta salad. Be sure to check out this beautiful and entertaining place!
Camping and overnight accommoda. Point Pelee National Park in canada